Saturday, May 10, 2008

Why Iran Isn't Going To Be An Issue in '08

Just click the box for the real version of the thumbnail view -- this is a big picture that only really makes sense in full size, and then scroll around.

Naval sources indicate that fleet movements point towards a September fish-or-cut-bait moment -- -- which means . . . i have no idea. Interesting, though. The real problem seems to be North Korea, but we can't pressure that regime because they're full-on crackers, and might do just about anything. Syria is ominously opaque, leaving Iran as the only angle for us to bring pressure to bear where the load won't crack in the moving.

Or more bluntly, Iran is the only one of the three regimes that has enough public opinion and input to be worth trying to influence. I'm looking for what carrots we're offering while the stick is swung into position, which is as indicative as "Armchair Admiral" thinks the relo of the USMC amphib support ships will be.

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